About us
The functioning of our Customs Agency is closely related to the activities of customs offices. Our task is to represent both the importer or the exporter before the customs office as well as support the customs officers themselves in their tasks. Our employees are customs officers holding state licenses granting this profession, who have many years of experience working at the border, and in particular in drawing up customs documents and representation of entrepreneurs before the customs and tax office.
Major processes at our agency are:
- customer service
- constant contact with the customer
- customs clearance
- collection of documents necessary for customs clearance
- cooperation with customs and tax office
- carry out additional checks related to clearance (examining documents, carrying out customs reviews, supervising documents, supervision of office equipment, security)

Professional customer service and professional check-in at the customer-specified customs procedure while maintaining honesty, confidentiality and attractive prices is our highest priority.
The subject of the agreement is the preparation and sending of pre-declaration TIR-EPD by customs agencies on behalf of carriers. Under the agreement, the agencies have committed themselves to providing TIR Carnet holders with competitive pricing terms for services rendered using IRU TIR-EPD applications.
At the same time, we remind you that the amount and timing of the incentive payment to carriers for each properly used and refunded TIR carnet is subject to the use of the IRIR TIR-EPD application. By applying the TIR-EPD application, the carrier will receive higher incentives and in less time.
We encourage you to use the application yourself or through the recommended customs agencies.
Long-term experience of our staff guarantees you well-made transit service for drivers and carriers.
Customs clearance
Our customs clearance offer includes:
- Comprehensive organization of export and transit customs clearance
- Preparation of TIR-EPD declaration
- Filling in TIR Carnet, CMR documents
- Representing companies before customs authority
- Preparing and submitting on behalf of the client appeals to the Customs Office
- Customs consultancy
- Preparation of customs guarantees

Simplified procedure
The benefits of using the simplified procedure:
- Shorten customs clearance time – average time about 1 hour
- Possibility of minimizing transportation costs including by eliminating stopovers and parking costs,
- possibility of making export and transit customs outside working hours of the customs office
- The possibility of rational supply planning
- possibility of faster execution of customer orders,
- the ability to accurately prepare documents
- Improving work efficiency and better organization
We have a certificate
PL AEOC 410000170037
document preparation in transit procedure,
TIR Carnet,CMR, NCTS, EPI Declaration on BY/RU/KZ
Consulting – Trans Joanna Kamińska
Radzików 50
69-108 Cybinka
tel. +48 881 335 011
VAT Nr. 5981192064
PLN – Bank account number Bank BGŻ Paribas S.A. :
15 2030 0045 1110 0000 0221 6770
EUR – Bank account number Bank BGŻ Paribas S.A. :
90 2030 0045 3110 0000 0023 2650
tel. 95 758 10 92
mobile 881 335 011 (Joanna Kamińska)
Wyszków Branch
Consulting – Trans Joanna Kamińska
ul. Pułtuska 114 T
07-200 WYSZKÓW
Work hours:
Monday – 9:00 – 18:00
Thuesday – 9:00 – 18:00
Wednesday – 9:00 – 17:00
Thursday – 9:00 – 18:00
Friday – 9:00 – 18:00
Saturday – 9:00 – 17:00
Sunday – nieczynne
mobile 297 578 401
mobile 533 829 087
mobile 534 300 377
mobile 881 335 011 (Joanna Kamińska)
e-mail: wyszkow@consulting-trans.pl
skype: consulting_wyszkow
e-mail: consulting-trans@home.pl
skype: consulting-trans